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Real Estate Investing with Coach Carson

Sep 27, 2021

Episode #185 - With syndication investing you can invest passively in real estate while still gaining many of the normal benefits of direct ownership. But there is a lot to learn, and in this episode Coach Carson and Annie Dickerson break down all the basics of how syndication investing works. Annie, the co-founder...

Sep 20, 2021

Episode #184 - Some of the oldest, rundown neighborhoods have the most opportunity. In this episode, Brian Grimes talks about returning to the neighborhoods of his youth in Philadelphia to remodel houses, improve communities, and make money as a real estate investor.


Sep 13, 2021

Episode #183 - It's natural to have fears when you begin investing in real estate. Char Tovar was no different when she began looking for long-distance rental properties. In this interview, she shares her personal concerns and how she created a plan to overcome them. She also shares the details of the two rental...

Sep 6, 2021

Episode #182 - Have you ever dreamed of quitting your job to retire or invest in real estate full-time? In this interview, Justin Foster talks about how (and why) he quit his well-paying job in his early 30s to focus more on his family and real estate investing. You'll also learn the specific strategies he uses to find...